
Animal Rescue

The sad life of street animals - All tourists who have ever visited Morocco do not forget this sad sight: Countless street animals roam around garbage cans or tourist restaurants looking for food. Constant hunger is part of their dreary everyday life, as are infections, bite wounds and cruel abuse. Life is extremely hard on the streets. The cities are “cleaned” regularly. Stray dogs and cats are poisoned, shot or thrown into landfills while still alive. The “domestic dogs” are kept as puppies, in extreme heat, often without water or sun protection. Indescribable - but true. Aren't dogs people's good friends?

We Are Advocates For Street Animals

Being active for many years in animal protection, I have seen and experienced a lot and not always beautiful stories from the Arabian Nights. But this brutal and indescribable event is incomprehensible and I will never forget it. We received a message with a video, dogs that had been shot were "disposed of" and the living puppies were also thrown into the grave by the inhumans. We immediately called the informant to ask him to save the puppies and promised him that we would take them in. Unfortunately it was too late, the grave was filled in. The puppies died miserably there. A massacre...

The Fondation Helga Heidrich is trying to end the indescribable animal cruelty.

Support us in ending animal suffering.

Contact Us

Reach out to us for inquiries or support regarding our animal rescue efforts and projects in Morocco. Your assistance can make a difference.
